Find different cultures around you
Coming soon
While waiting to offer you here an interactive map where you will see the addresses in your city related to all cultures at the same time, such as restaurants, shops, etc., we invite you to use our primary tool: KITnDO. The latter allows you to view addresses on a map sorted by a filter of the country of origin, so you only see one specific culture at a time, but you can change it as much as you want.
Its operation is intuitive but it seems necessary to add some explanations:

The results corresponding to these two criteria will appear on an interactive map as well as in the list on the right.

If no results appear, do not hesitate to zoom the map or move it because nearby addresses may be hidden outside your perimeter. Don't miss them!
You can also become an active contributor by adding addresses through a simple form which you access by clicking on "+" or "Add new place", located at the top right. Each contribution is rewarded with points. Once the points have been accumulated, you can exchange them for a gift!

You can also add your photos and share your experience. This will help other Internet users in their decision-making.